Trend Strategy - TradingED

This case study is based on different previous studies: Trend Cloud Performance & Bollinger Bands Performance, with only one count for the different indicators and independent performance charts. The use of this indicator is restricted to private use and it can be used only by invitation. Different functionalities have been added to the original code, such as alerts and signals that seek to make trading much easier to interpret by any type of trading operator of any experience level, from beginner to intermediate and advanced.

Main functions of this modified indicator:
1) The SOURCE for the count can be determined by the trader (close, open, etc).
2) The MEASURE can be based on a CANDLES count if you are trading OHLC Charts from 1D onwards, or if your trading is intraday, you can also select counts by MINUTES, HOURS or DAYS, depending on your trading style.
3) LENGTH, by default it will be loaded as 20 but considering the previous point, you can modify it according to your convenience.
4) STANDARD DEVIATION, by default it will come loaded with 2 deviations, but you can modify it according to your convenience to operate.
6) You have the option to hide or show a LABEL at the top of the chart, with respect to the signals: bullish green, bearish red.
7) You have the option to hide or show SIGNALS based on the MOVING AVERAGES that you have previously chosen.
8) You have the option to hide or show SIGNALS based on the STANDARD DEVIATION that you have previously chosen.

Main functions to customize the style of this indicator:
a) You can select the colors for the UPPER BAND, MOVING AVERAGE and LOWER BAND depending on the trend, whether it is BEARISH or BULLISH , with the colors that best suit you. *
b) When you have a SHORT SIGNAL or a LONG SIGNAL, you can change the EMOTICON that comes by default. **
c) For any type of SIGNAL, it is painted as a VERTICAL LINE in the graph, you can change the color that comes by default. *
d) In the case of the LABELS that appear at the top, the text is not modifiable, but you can customize both the type of label and change the default color. *
e) You can select the colors for the BACKGROUND of the indicator according to the trend, whether it is BEARISH or BULLISH, with the colors that best suit you. *

* By default, they are marked as red for downtrends and green for uptrends.
** By default, they are marked with an emoticon indicating the possible direction of the price, down if it is bearish or up if it is bullish.
Bands and ChannelsBollinger Bands (BB)Donchian Channels (DC)performancetradinged


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