Financial Astrology Pluto Declination

Pluto moves very slow in declination as can be viewed in this indicator, therefore, is logical to think that looking Pluto declination for short or mid term trading is useless. We cannot determine any useful pattern from Pluto declination or longitude but we was willing to document here that we did the exploratory analysis of all planets declination. The conclusion is that what is relevant for trading are the declinations of the tradition astrology planets: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. However, Pluto speed phases seems to be relevant so we recommend to keep an eye on the Pluto speed indicator.

Note: The Pluto declination indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the declination is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.

