

Shows 3 bars. One for the 100sma, one for 25sma, and one for 5sma. The bar color is blue if it's "low volume" compared to the sma, green if it's about average, yellow if it's high, and red if it's very high.

Top bar is 100sma, middle is 25, and bottom is 5

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//changePosition(up) =>
  //  strategy.close_all()
//    up ? strategy.entry("buy", strategy.long, 10) : strategy.entry("sell", strategy.short, 10)
  //  up

smaVal = 100
lowVolume = volume < sma(volume,smaVal)*0.8
highVolume = volume > sma(volume,smaVal)*1.5
mediumHighVolume = volume > sma(volume,smaVal)*1

smaVal2 = 25
lowVolume2 = volume < sma(volume,smaVal2)*0.8
highVolume2 = volume > sma(volume,smaVal2)*1.5
mediumHighVolume2 = volume > sma(volume,smaVal2)*1

smaVal3 = 5
lowVolume3 = volume < sma(volume,smaVal3)*0.8
highVolume3 = volume > sma(volume,smaVal3)*1.5
mediumHighVolume3 = volume > sma(volume,smaVal3)*1

change = sma((close-open),1)
goingUp = ((change > change[1]))// and (change[1] > change[2]))

plot(close,"", lowVolume ? blue : highVolume ? red : mediumHighVolume ? orange : green, linewidth=3)
plot(close-5,"", lowVolume2 ? blue : highVolume2 ? red : mediumHighVolume2 ? orange : green, linewidth=3)
plot(close-10,"", lowVolume3 ? blue : highVolume3 ? red : mediumHighVolume3 ? orange : green, linewidth=3)

//if (not na(goingUp[1]))
    //if (goingUp != goingUp[1])
        //if ((lowVolume[1] or lowVolume[2]) and highVolume) or (highVolume[1] and not highVolume)
        //if goingUp
            //strategy.entry("buy", strategy.long, strategy.position_size == 0 ? 10 : 20)
//            strategy.entry("sell", strategy.short, strategy.position_size == 0 ? 10 : 20)

//plot(strategy.equity, "", blue)
//plot(close, "", (goingUp ? green : red))
//plot(open, "", (((sma(open,3) > sma(open,3)[1]) and (sma(open,3)[1] > sma(open,3)[2])) ? green : red))

//plot(macd, color=blue)
//plot(signal, color=orange)