
DBT MoMo Divergence Finder

This Indicator is an experimental Divergence Finder using the DBT MoMo formula. See DBT MoMo v.4 for details on the main script.

It uses a slower version of the DBT MoMo Price Line to smooth out the trend and color codes the Price Line based on its trend.

Bullish Divergence is denoted by Blue Labels below the Price Line.
Bearish Divergence is denoted by Orange Labels above the Price Line.

Alerts can be setup in Tradingview for both Bullish and Bearish Divergence Signals.

This indicator is brand new and experimental, make sure to double check the Divergence Alerts before blindly trading them. There can be a mathematical divergence without there being a visual divergence, this will trigger a false alert.

Everyone with access to the DBT MoMo will have access to this indicator as well.


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