
Library "OrderBlocks"
This is a library I created that creates order blocks. It's originated from my indicator "Order blocks" ( It will return a Zone object that can be used to draw an order block. If you want to see how that is done you can check out my indicar that uses the same logic.

  Creates an order block if one is found according to the settings parameter.
    settings (Settings): set all values in this parameter to define the settings for the order block creation.
  Returns: a Zone object if an order block is found, na otherwise

    Time (series int)
    TimeClose (series int)
    High (series float)
    Low (series float)
    ReactionLimit (series float)
    TouchedZone (Zone type from mickes/Touched/14)
    Type (series int)

    Index (series int)
    Maximum (series int)
    Zones (array<Zone>)
    Remove (Zone)

    TakeOut (series bool)
    ReactionFactor (series float)
    Type (series string)
    ConsecutiveRisingOrFalling (series bool)
    FairValueGap (series bool)
Add "Visual" object that can be used for displaying order blocks.

    Boxes (array<box>)
    Lines (array<line>)
    Labels (array<label>)

    Time (series int)
    TimeClose (series int)
    High (series float)
    Low (series float)
    ReactionLimit (series float)
    TouchedZone (Zone type from mickes/Touched/14)
    Visual (Visual)
    Type (series int)
- Remove faultly commuted ''
- Add all the visual creation/modification methods from my indicator "Order blocks" (

method Replace(zones, zone, settings)
  Replaces a zone in the 'Zones' field in the 'Zones' type.
  Namespace types: Zones
    zones (Zones): The bucket of the zones created.
    zone (Zone): The current zone.
    settings (Settings): Set all values in this parameter to define the settings for the order blocks.
  Returns: The 'zone' obkject.

method Remove(zones, settings)
  Removes the zone in 'zones.Remove' and its visuals. The visuals will be replaced if 'settings.KeepHistoryZones' is true.
  Namespace types: Zones
    zones (Zones): The current zone.
    settings (Settings): Set all values in this parameter to define the settings for the order blocks.
  Returns: The 'zone' obkject.

method Draw(zone, settings)
  Draws all the required visuals for the 'zone' according to the 'settings'.
  Namespace types: Zone
    zone (Zone)
    settings (Settings): set all values in this parameter to define the settings for the order block creation.
  Returns: The 'zone' obkject.

method Interactions(zones, settings)
  Creates an order block if one is found according to the settings parameter.
  Namespace types: Zones
    zones (Zones)
    settings (Settings): set all values in this parameter to define the settings for the order block creation.

    TakeOut (series bool)
    ReactionFactor (series float)
    Type (series string)
    ConsecutiveRisingOrFalling (series bool)
    FairValueGap (series bool)
    MaximumZones (series int)
    KeepHistoryZones (series bool)
    NewZonesColor (series color)
    ReplacedZonesColor (series color)
    BrokenZonesColor (series color)
    ShowReaction (series bool)
    RemoveBrokenZones (series bool)
    CreateCreationZone (series bool)

- set descriptions
- add alerts

  Holds the visual elements or the zone.
    Boxes (array<box>): All the visual boxes.
    Lines (array<line>): All the visual lines.
    Labels (array<label>): All the visual labels.

  Holds the values for visuals for the zone and to handle interactions (retests, false breakouts and breakouts).
    Time (series int): The start time of the zone creation.
    TimeClose (series int): The end time of zone creation.
    High (series float): The maximimum price of the zone.
    Low (series float): The minimum price of the zone.
    ReactionLimit (series float): Set a factor (%) of the Average True Range (of length 14) that the total reaction must have.
    TouchedZone (Zone type from mickes/Touched/14): Zone object that will be created and sent to the library 'Touched'.
    Visual (Visual): An object that holds the visual elements for the zone.
    Type (series int): Defines if the found zone is bullish (1) or bearish (-1).

  Holds the values for the charts zones.
    Index (series int): The current index to use when a new zone appears. This is changed when a new zone appears.
    Maximum (series int): The maximum number of zones to show.
    Zones (array<Zone>): The currently active zones.
    Remove (Zone): Reprsents the zone that will be replaced.

  The settings for the creation of order blocks. You will need to set all the containing values in here.
    TakeOut (series bool): Set to true if you want the base candle of the order block to have to be highet or lower (take out) then the previous candle.
    ReactionFactor (series float): Set the factor (%) of the Average True Range (of length 14) that the total reaction must have.
    Type (series string): The type of the order block. Can be "Both", "Bullish" or "Bearish".
    ConsecutiveRisingOrFalling (series bool): Set to true if you want the 3 candles in the reaction to be consecutivly rising or falling.
    FairValueGap (series bool): Set to true if the last and the 3rd (base) candles wicks to don't overlap and create a so called fair value gap or an imbalance.
    MaximumZones (series int): Define the maximum of active order blocks.
    KeepHistoryZones (series bool): Set to true if you want removed (replaced or broken) zones to be drawn.
    NewZonesColor (series color): The color of new order blocks.
    ReplacedZonesColor (series color): The color of replaced order blocks.
    BrokenZonesColor (series color): The color of broken order blocks.
    ShowReaction (series bool): Set if a line should be drawn at the reaction limit.
    RemoveBrokenZones (series bool): Enable to remove broken order blocks.
    CreateCreationZone (series bool): Set to true if you want a box with a border to be drawn at the creation of the zone. This is usefull when the order blocks come from a higher timeframe, but not from a lower.
    AlertRetests (series bool): Enable if you want alerts to fire when the 'Touched' library signals that a retest of the order block has occured.
    AlertFalseBreakouts (series bool): Enable if you want alerts to fire when the 'Touched' library signals that a false breakout of the order block has occured.
    AlertBreakouts (series bool): Enable if you want alerts to fire when the 'Touched' library signals that a breakout of the order block has occured.
    AlertMessageFormat (series string): Set the format of the fired alert uppon 'Touched' library signals. Need to be in the format of '{0} on order block from ...' where '{0}' is replaced with 'retest', 'false breakout' or 'breakout'.

- if 'CreateCreationZone' is false the drawn box will start at time_close - time.
- Added "If this is false the 'Draw()' function will start at 'time - time_close'." to the description of 'CreateCreationZone' in the 'Settings' object.


