DCA Simulation for CryptoCommunity v1.1

DCA Simulation for CryptoCommunity v1.1

#Currently take profit is single transaction. Take profit DCA is still TBD.

This should help you to visualise how DCA strategy under your desired parameters would perform in history.

- Most importantly, it demonstrates the average price movement as DCA buy orders are occurring, providing an easy way to see how your strategy could look like.
- Dashboard will show the money spent and how many contracts acquired.
- Base order is first order, rest of orders are DCA.
- Safety orders are reset when new Higher High is made.
- TradingView has limit of 999 open trades, so if your strategy doesn't fit, just reduce the buy frequency to fit longer timeframe.

The script differs from existing published DCA's by:
- combining interval DCA & safety order DCA (based on % drops) in single script
- visualising on chart the buy levels, average price and profit taking
- calculations on dashboard to show the budget used, contracts bought. + max amounts if profit taking is in use


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