Rob Hoffman's 50/80/90/Price Trailing Stop Loss

A trailing stop loss method by Rob Hoffman.

Set your entry, TP, and SL.

Once price is 50% of its way to the TP, set your stop loss at the gray line.
Once price is 80% of its way to the TP, set your stop loss at the light gray line.
Once price is 90% of its way to the TP set your stop loss at the white line.
-Added a selection of whether your trade is LONG or SHORT to determine how the script will plot the Trailing SL
-Only plots Trailing SL when price is 50/80/90% of its way to the TP mark
Changed everything

Rob Hoffman's Trailing Stop Method (50/80/90)

Once price hits 50% of tp, raise stop loss to 50% of 50% of tp.
Once price hits 80% of tp, raise stop loss to 80% of 80% of tp.
Once price hits 90% of tp, raise stop loss to 80% of 90% of tp.

Instead of a plot, its using a table to easily see what the values are.
Using interactive mode for quick set-up.
Fixed formulas.
Pivot points and levelsriskmanagementtoolrobhoffmantradingtrailingstoptrailingstoploss


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