Price vs VWAP Performance (PvVWAP) This indicator visually displays the deviation between the current price and VWAP (Volume Weighted Average Price), helping you to determine the strength of a trend.
How it Works VWAP Calculation: Calculates the Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) over a specified period. Standard Deviation Calculation: Calculates the standard deviation of closing prices over the past 20 periods. Deviation Calculation: Calculates the difference between the current price and VWAP, expressed as a multiple of the standard deviation. Color Assignment: Changes the color of bars and background based on the magnitude of the deviation. Green: Very strong uptrend Light Green: Strong uptrend Light Gray: No trend Pinkish Red: Weak downtrend Red: Very strong downtrend
How to Use Trend Strength Assessment: The greater the deviation of the price from VWAP, the stronger the trend is considered to be. The color of the bars and background provides a visual indication of trend strength. Entry/Exit Point Reference: You can enter/exit by aiming for the movement of the price returning to VWAP after a large deviation from VWAP.
Notes Parameter Settings: The standard deviation period is 20 periods by default, but can be adjusted as needed. Avoid Using Alone: It is recommended to use this indicator in combination with other technical indicators.