
With this tool, traders are able to calculate position leverage based on risk percentage

// ------ Settings Inputs -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// "Capital" -- enter your portfolio balance
// "Risk" -- enter the percent of your portfolio you are willing to lose if the stop loss is hit
// "Entry" -- enter the price at which you will enter the trade
// "Stop" -- enter the price at which your stop loss will be set
// "Target" -- enter the price at which your take profit will be set
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// ------ Outputs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// "Capital" -- displays the portfolio balance entered in settings
// "Risk" -- displays the % loss entered in settings and the corresponding amount of your portfolio
// "Entry" -- displays the entry price entered in settings
// "Stop" -- displays the stop loss price entered in settings
// "Stop %" -- displays the calculated percentage loss from the entry price
// "Target" -- displays the take profit price entered in settings
// "Target %" -- displays the calculated percentage profit from the entry price
// "Leverage" -- displays the calculated leverage based on your max loss and stop loss settings
Portfolio management


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