Ultimate Oscillator Divergence Detector v0.1

I wanted a more dynamic divergence indicator than the stock one so this is what's come of it so far. This is a very early version but I found its detecting normal bullish divergences pretty well so I thought I'd release it.

Right now it only supports normal bullish divergences. I'm working on improving accuracy before I add in normal bearish divergences, and then will be handling hidden divergences.

The spacing parameter will probably need to be tweaked based on the time frame of interest. For small time frames a value of 3 seems to work, for longer ones I go up to 7. Anything below 3 will be extremely sensitive and anything above 10 will hardly notice anything. The spacing for the example here is 3 for the main graph and 7 for the ultimate oscillator graph.
DivergenceUltimate Oscillator (UO)


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