Manage trade

This indicator is intended to simulate a second entry to adjust the average price.

Current price || Coins -> Current price, your first entry || Initial amount of coins
Simulate entry || Coins -> New entry, from this entry the average price will be calculated || new amount of coins
Simulate partial % || Coins -> Percentage over current price or average price || Amount of coins withdrawn

* Currency conversion
Value $ || Target price -> amount or coins, example: 25 dolar or 25 busd || Acquisition target price, returns desired coin amount, visible in table.

Table information:
simbol = current symbol
current price = First entry price
total coins = Total coins from first entry
profit or loss = self explanatory
update value = increases or decreases according to profit or loss
Partial profit = partial simulation result,
$ ⮕ ₿ = total amount of currencies in the conversion
Pine utilities


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