Ribbon Relative Strength Index

Ribbon RSI is the base on of the original RSI.

In RSI (dark color) and RSI-base MA (light color), we added short (12-day) and long (26-day) periods to show these crossovers, including crossovers between the RSI and the RSI-base MA, We've also added a trend period (50-day) RSI section that shows this section in the background.

And because Stochastic is a momentum indicator as well. It is therefore included as a guide to support RSI in another way.

How to Setting
— You can adjust the Short (12 days), Long (26 days) and Trend (50 days) periods from Settings: Input page in the RSI Setting section.

— You can adjust the RSI-base MA interval (9 days) on the Settings: Input page in the MA Setting section.

— You can display the lines of RSI, RSI-base MA at Setting: Style in RSI…

— You can display the Stochastic lines on the Settings: Style page in the Stochastic…

Update using standard chart types.
Relative Strength Index (RSI)Stochastic Oscillator


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