Overnight vs Intra-day Performance█ STRATEGY OVERVIEW
The "Overnight vs Intra-day Performance" indicator quantifies price behaviour differences between trading hours and overnight periods. It calculates cumulative returns, compound growth rates, and visualizes performance components across user-defined time windows. Designed for analytical use, it helps identify whether returns are primarily generated during market hours or overnight sessions.
Use this indicator on Stocks and ETFs to visualise and compare intra-day vs overnight performance
Return Segmentation : Separates total returns into overnight (close-to-open) and intraday (open-to-close) components
Growth Tracking : Shows simple cumulative returns and compound annual growth rates (CAGR)
1. Time-Series
Overnight Returns (Red)
Intraday Returns (Blue)
Total Returns (White)
2. Summary Table
Displays CAGR
3. Price Chart Labels
Floating annotations showing absolute returns and CAGR
Color-coded to match plot series
Quantify market behaviour disparities between active trading sessions and overnight positioning
Provide institutional-grade attribution analysis for returns generation
Enable tactical adjustment of trading schedules based on historical performance patterns
Serve as foundational research for session-specific trading strategies
1. Portfolio Managers
Analyse overnight risk exposure across holdings
Optimize execution timing based on return distributions
2. Quantitative Researchers
Study market microstructure through time-segmented returns
Develop alpha models leveraging session-specific anomalies
3. Market Microstructure Analysts
Identify liquidity patterns in overnight vs daytime sessions
Research ETF premium/discount mechanics
4. Day Traders
Align trading hours with highest probability return windows
Avoid overnight gaps through informed position sizing
CAGR ProjectionThe CAGR Projection Indicator is a tool designed to visualize the potential growth of an asset over time based on a specified annual growth rate. This indicator overlays a projection line on the price chart, allowing traders and investors to compare actual price movements with a hypothetical growth trajectory.
One of the key features of this indicator is the ability for users to input their expected annual growth rate as a percentage. This flexibility allows for various scenarios to be modeled, from conservative estimates to more optimistic projections. Additionally, the indicator allows users to set a specific start date for the projection, enabling analysis from any chosen point in time.
The projection calculation is dynamic, adjusting for different timeframes and updating with each new bar on the chart. The indicator initializes either at the specified start date or when the first valid price is encountered. Using the initial price as a base, the indicator calculates the projected price for each subsequent bar using the compound growth formula. The calculation accounts for the specific timeframe of the chart, ensuring accurate projections regardless of whether the chart displays daily, weekly, or other intervals.
The projected growth is plotted as a blue line on the chart, providing a clear visual comparison between the actual price movement and the hypothetical growth trajectory. This visual representation makes it easy for users to quickly assess how an asset is performing relative to the expected growth rate.
This tool has several practical applications. Investors can use it to set realistic growth targets for their investments. By comparing actual price movements to the projection line, users can quickly assess if an asset is outperforming or underperforming relative to the expected growth rate. Furthermore, multiple instances of the indicator can be used with different growth rates to visualize various potential outcomes, facilitating scenario analysis.
The indicator also offers customization options, such as displaying a label showing the annual growth rate used for the projection, and the ability to adjust the color of the projection line to suit individual preferences or chart setups.
In summary, this CAGR Projection indicator serves as a valuable tool for both long-term investors and traders, offering a simple yet effective way to visualize potential growth scenarios and assess investment performance over time. It combines ease of use with powerful analytical capabilities, making it a useful addition to any trader's or investor's toolkit.
analytics_tablesLibrary "analytics_tables"
📝 Description
This library provides the implementation of several performance-related statistics and metrics, presented in the form of tables.
The metrics shown in the afforementioned tables where developed during the past years of my in-depth analalysis of various strategies in an atempt to reason about the performance of each strategy.
The visualization and some statistics where inspired by the existing implementations of the "Seasonality" script, and the performance matrix implementations of @QuantNomad and @ZenAndTheArtOfTrading scripts.
While this library is meant to be used by my strategy framework "Template Trailing Strategy (Backtester)" script, I wrapped it in a library hoping this can be usefull for other community strategy scripts that will be released in the future.
🤔 How to Guide
To use the functionality this library provides in your script you have to import it first!
Copy the import statement of the latest release by pressing the copy button below and then paste it into your script. Give a short name to this library so you can refer to it later on. The import statement should look like this:
import jason5480/analytics_tables/1 as ant
There are three types of tables provided by this library in the initial release. The stats table the metrics table and the seasonality table.
Each one shows different kinds of performance statistics.
The table UDT shall be initialized once using the `init()` method.
They can be updated using the `update()` method where the updated data UDT object shall be passed.
The data UDT can also initialized and get updated on demend depending on the use case
A code example for the StatsTable is the following:
var ant.StatsData statsData = ant.StatsData.new()
statsData.update(SideStats.new(), SideStats.new(), 0)
if (barstate.islastconfirmedhistory or (barstate.isrealtime and barstate.isconfirmed))
var statsTable = ant.StatsTable.new().init(ant.getTablePos('TOP', 'RIGHT'))
A code example for the MetricsTable is the following:
var ant.StatsData statsData = ant.StatsData.new()
statsData.update(ant.SideStats.new(), ant.SideStats.new(), 0)
if (barstate.islastconfirmedhistory or (barstate.isrealtime and barstate.isconfirmed))
var metricsTable = ant.MetricsTable.new().init(ant.getTablePos('BOTTOM', 'RIGHT'))
metricsTable.update(statsData, 10)
A code example for the SeasonalityTable is the following:
var ant.SeasonalData seasonalData = ant.SeasonalData.new().init(Seasonality.monthOfYear)
if (barstate.islastconfirmedhistory or (barstate.isrealtime and barstate.isconfirmed))
var seasonalTable = ant.SeasonalTable.new().init(seasonalData, ant.getTablePos('BOTTOM', 'LEFT'))
🏋️♂️ Please refer to the "EXAMPLE" regions of the script for more advanced and up to date code examples!
Special thanks to @Mrcrbw for the proposal to develop this library and @DCNeu for the constructive feedback 🏆.
getTablePos(ypos, xpos)
Get table position compatible string
ypos (simple string) : The position on y axise
xpos (simple string) : The position on x axise
Returns: The position to be passed to the table
method init(this, pos, height, width, positiveTxtColor, negativeTxtColor, neutralTxtColor, positiveBgColor, negativeBgColor, neutralBgColor)
Initialize the stats table object with the given colors in the given position
Namespace types: StatsTable
this (StatsTable) : The stats table object
pos (simple string) : The table position string
height (simple float) : The height of the table as a percentage of the charts height. By default, 0 auto-adjusts the height based on the text inside the cells
width (simple float) : The width of the table as a percentage of the charts height. By default, 0 auto-adjusts the width based on the text inside the cells
positiveTxtColor (simple color) : The text color when positive
negativeTxtColor (simple color) : The text color when negative
neutralTxtColor (simple color) : The text color when neutral
positiveBgColor (simple color) : The background color with transparency when positive
negativeBgColor (simple color) : The background color with transparency when negative
neutralBgColor (simple color) : The background color with transparency when neutral
method init(this, pos, height, width, neutralBgColor)
Initialize the metrics table object with the given colors in the given position
Namespace types: MetricsTable
this (MetricsTable) : The metrics table object
pos (simple string) : The table position string
height (simple float) : The height of the table as a percentage of the charts height. By default, 0 auto-adjusts the height based on the text inside the cells
width (simple float) : The width of the table as a percentage of the charts width. By default, 0 auto-adjusts the width based on the text inside the cells
neutralBgColor (simple color) : The background color with transparency when neutral
method init(this, seas)
Initialize the seasonal data
Namespace types: SeasonalData
this (SeasonalData) : The seasonal data object
seas (simple Seasonality) : The seasonality of the matrix data
method init(this, data, pos, maxNumOfYears, height, width, extended, neutralTxtColor, neutralBgColor)
Initialize the seasonal table object with the given colors in the given position
Namespace types: SeasonalTable
this (SeasonalTable) : The seasonal table object
data (SeasonalData) : The seasonality data of the table
pos (simple string) : The table position string
maxNumOfYears (simple int) : The maximum number of years that fit into the table
height (simple float) : The height of the table as a percentage of the charts height. By default, 0 auto-adjusts the height based on the text inside the cells
width (simple float) : The width of the table as a percentage of the charts width. By default, 0 auto-adjusts the width based on the text inside the cells
extended (simple bool) : The seasonal table with extended columns for performance
neutralTxtColor (simple color) : The text color when neutral
neutralBgColor (simple color) : The background color with transparency when neutral
method update(this, wins, losses, numOfInconclusiveExits)
Update the strategy info data of the strategy
Namespace types: StatsData
this (StatsData) : The strategy statistics object
wins (SideStats)
losses (SideStats)
numOfInconclusiveExits (int) : The number of inconclusive trades
method update(this, stats, positiveTxtColor, negativeTxtColor, negativeBgColor, neutralBgColor)
Update the stats table object with the given data
Namespace types: StatsTable
this (StatsTable) : The stats table object
stats (StatsData) : The stats data to update the table
positiveTxtColor (simple color) : The text color when positive
negativeTxtColor (simple color) : The text color when negative
negativeBgColor (simple color) : The background color with transparency when negative
neutralBgColor (simple color) : The background color with transparency when neutral
method update(this, stats, buyAndHoldPerc, positiveTxtColor, negativeTxtColor, positiveBgColor, negativeBgColor)
Update the metrics table object with the given data
Namespace types: MetricsTable
this (MetricsTable) : The metrics table object
stats (StatsData) : The stats data to update the table
buyAndHoldPerc (float) : The buy and hold percetage
positiveTxtColor (simple color) : The text color when positive
negativeTxtColor (simple color) : The text color when negative
positiveBgColor (simple color) : The background color with transparency when positive
negativeBgColor (simple color) : The background color with transparency when negative
method update(this)
Update the seasonal data based on the season and eon timeframe
Namespace types: SeasonalData
this (SeasonalData) : The seasonal data object
method update(this, data, positiveTxtColor, negativeTxtColor, neutralTxtColor, positiveBgColor, negativeBgColor, neutralBgColor, timeBgColor)
Update the seasonal table object with the given data
Namespace types: SeasonalTable
this (SeasonalTable) : The seasonal table object
data (SeasonalData) : The seasonal cell data to update the table
positiveTxtColor (simple color) : The text color when positive
negativeTxtColor (simple color) : The text color when negative
neutralTxtColor (simple color) : The text color when neutral
positiveBgColor (simple color) : The background color with transparency when positive
negativeBgColor (simple color) : The background color with transparency when negative
neutralBgColor (simple color) : The background color with transparency when neutral
timeBgColor (simple color) : The background color of the time gradient
Object that represents the strategy statistics data of one side win or lose
numOf (series int)
sumFreeProfit (series float)
freeProfitStDev (series float)
sumProfit (series float)
profitStDev (series float)
sumGain (series float)
gainStDev (series float)
avgQuantityPerc (series float)
avgCapitalRiskPerc (series float)
avgTPExecutedCount (series float)
avgRiskRewardRatio (series float)
maxStreak (series int)
Object that represents the stats table
table (series table) : The actual table
rows (series int) : The number of rows of the table
columns (series int) : The number of columns of the table
Object that represents the statistics data of the strategy
wins (SideStats)
losses (SideStats)
numOfInconclusiveExits (series int)
avgFreeProfitStr (series string)
freeProfitStDevStr (series string)
lossFreeProfitStDevStr (series string)
avgProfitStr (series string)
profitStDevStr (series string)
lossProfitStDevStr (series string)
avgQuantityStr (series string)
Object that represents the metrics table
table (series table) : The actual table
rows (series int) : The number of rows of the table
columns (series int) : The number of columns of the table
Object that represents the seasonal table dynamic data
seasonality (series Seasonality)
eonToMatrixRow (map)
numOfEons (series int)
mostRecentMatrixRow (series int)
balances (matrix)
returnPercs (matrix)
maxDDs (matrix)
eonReturnPercs (array)
eonCAGRs (array)
eonMaxDDs (array)
Object that represents the seasonal table
table (series table) : The actual table
headRows (series int) : The number of head rows of the table
headColumns (series int) : The number of head columns of the table
eonRows (series int) : The number of eon rows of the table
seasonColumns (series int) : The number of season columns of the table
statsRows (series int)
statsColumns (series int) : The number of stats columns of the table
rows (series int) : The number of rows of the table
columns (series int) : The number of columns of the table
extended (series bool) : Whether the table has additional performance statistics
Rolling CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate)Simple and powerful Rolling CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) script.
Works with daily, weekly, and monthly data. Do not work with data of hours, minutes, seconds, or customized time intervals.
You can change the rolling period, from the default (3 years) to any other period of years. Just change one value in the script.
Plots CAGR lines for a given set of ratesPlots CAGR lines for a given set of rates from a specified time. It will be helpful to see how the rate of growth of a security's price is changing over a period of time. It also calculates the current CAGR from the time specified. Works on D, W, M timeframes.
Rolling CAGRCompound Annual Growth Rate
This indicator is the compound annual growth rate to be used on any ticker.
How to use
Add indicator to your chart
Specify a data source (default is the close for the selected ticker)
Specify how many trading days are in a year (252 for stocks & 365 for crypto)
This is only accurate on the daily timeframe. So to avoid confusion, I disabled the plotting of the CAGR on any timeframe other than daily