Single_Timeframe_3EMA + Current_Timeframe_3SMMAPlots 3 EMA from a larger timeframe (day, week) and 3 SMMA from the current one.Pineスクリプト™ インジケーターHeavy91の投稿22108
Single Timeframe 3EMA + Current Timeframe 3SMMA Plots 3 exponential moving averages from a bigger timeframe (Day, Week) and 3 smoothed moving averages from the current timeframe.Pineスクリプト™ インジケーターHeavy91の投稿93
Fibonacci Exponential Moving Averages ( EMA ) Have 8, 13, 21 and 55 EMA on one indicator ! enjoy :) R.NPineスクリプト™ インジケーターthats_meの投稿アップデート済 107