buy sell pressurebuy sell pressure indicator
Every stock /indices /chart is unique in nature. there will always be some kind of buyers and sellers present in these equities/stocks. due to their inherent buying and selling nature, these stocks also develop a pattern. such patterns are not always visible directly on the chart but we can calculate buying and selling pressure for these stocks individually . if we plot a graph on chart , we can easily see when stock is getting and when it is showing strength.
The logic for calculating buying and selling pressure is given below-
buying pressure= 14 days ema of {close- low(1)}
selling pressure= 14 days ema of {high(1)- close}
low (1) indicates 1 day ago candle's low price
high(1) indicates 1 day ago candle's high price
close= recent candle's close price
how to read chart :-
whenever buying pressure line (green color) crosses the selling pressure line (red color)stock will show strength and will go up. if the red line starts to cross the green line then we may see prices go down. so one can book profit here.
there is a unique zero line which is blue in color. it will act as a supreme buy and sell zone. if the green line touches or somehow goes below the zero line(blue line), stock will see strong buying pressure . if the red line (selling pressure line) goes below the zero line, the stock will witness strong selling pressure.
Nifty50 Participants - Top 25Nifty50 Index is calculated based on the movements of its participants. Every time you think of why is Index going up/down, who is actively dragging the index either ways, this Indicator gives you answer for the same in realtime!
This indicator will help you in pre-planning your trades based on the movements shown by different stocks of various sectors in Index calculation.
RSI column is an add-on to the participation table which will help you in getting RSI values of different stocks of Nifty 50 at a glance. You will see values getting updated in realtime in live market.
Checkout for customisations in indicator settings.
1. Participants present in this indicator and their participation percentage is taken from the official NSE website.
2. Table shows Top 25 participants by default. If you want to see less than 25 rows, you can update the input via indicator settings.
Feel free to contribute/comment changes if any! Comment in case of any suggestions :)
- Published by Soham Dixit
Nifty Relative PerformanceDISCRIPTION:-
This indicator is used to determine relative performance of a stock based on different time intervals as well as compared to benchmark indices as Nifty 50,Nift IT, Nifty auto etc.
The top right table provide performance of stock based on different interval
while the bottom table depicts its relative performance compared to an index
INFY compared to Nifty 50
INFY compared to Nifty IT
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