AMC Entertainment

Pray to your Gods for this is not a human matter

I expect sideways movements for a day or two. After that we should be seeing 19-21$. If support holds, which I‘m sure it will, we are on our back to 28-32$ range. Everything beyond that is pure speculation. No one knows how high this will go. After extreme pressure from mainstream media trying to shake us off, I believe even more that this will be a once in a lifetime oppurtunity to redirect many of our lives. This is far beyond simple TA. This is far beyond anything we can imagine. In the end, the diamond hands will chose their price since there is no limit on how high a stock price can go. Market cap is an illusion.
Youtubers who have been known as the faces of the Shortsqueeze movements are turning away. Probably paid off to make us sell at 270$ LOL. We didn‘t come this far to sell at brokie numbers. I genuinly believe we will surpass the 270$ prediction by at least a 5 fold. Even if there is no limit, especially with a short squeeze of this magnitude, weak hands will fumble the bag hard by selling too early.

Stay strong. Stay focused. Stay zen.

Ape out.

