U.S. midterm elections 2022 bullish/bearish for crypto?


Nov 6, 2018: BTC dumped 50% shortterm, then rallied

Nov 8, 2022: ?

- S&P 500 has performed well every 12-month period following the U.S. midterm elections
- Nov-Apr S&P 500 rolling 6-month period post-midterm elections tends to be bullish
- BUT: Black swans like high inflation, Ukraine war, energy crisis, pandemic -> historical performance may be misleading this year
- YET AGAIN: BTC sellers exhausted, adoption happening, markets already low

-> Conclusion: Probability >50% that BTC again dumps short term, then rally possible unless there is another black swan..
-> Action: DCA in post Nov 8 2022

Thank you for your comments below.

