
$3k BULLISH WAVE ((b)) of (X) UNDERWAY: TARGET AREA 29443-29742

BITSTAMP:BTCUSD   ビットコイン/米ドル
BITCOIN is currently going down in a MILLENNIUM WAVE (X), and subdivided into waves ((a)),((b)),((c)). This MILLENNIUM wave is the 2nd largest wave cycle in the history of BITCOIN. Now, after hitting my previously projected TARGET AREA of 27558-27330 which ended WAVE ((a)) of (X), I am now projecting that BITCOIN is GOING UP $3k temporarily in a WAVE ((b)) of (X) to TARGET AREA 29443-29742. This BULLISH GRAND-SUPERCYCLE WAVE ((b)) is going to be subdivided into WAVES (w),(x),(y). WAVE (w) will be subdivided into 5 waves, WAVE (x) into 3 waves, and WAVE (y) into 5 waves. Please comment below and let me know what you think.

