Hi, everyone, I haven't been here in a long time. I decided to tell you, show you and prove my profile description. This publication was made in the Russian community. ru.tradingview.com/chart/BTCUSD/K6ZVo0z9-lokalbno-posvyaschaetsya-dlya-bykov/ Please pay attention to my 6 comment to this publication. It says OK. On June 21, at 03-30 Moscow time, the price of bitcoin is 35.8, after which a rollback will occur. This is for those who believe that this is impossible and will explain to you why I trade margin, without stops and so confidently. -You can check the translation of google translate. Many people wrote to me about the evidence and said that it was impossible. Here I ask you to look. Yes, I can tell you the price of bitcoin, the date and time. In the time interval of 1 day - 1 month. And that after this date and time price, there will be a rollback. I will be very happy to subscribe, like and discuss, I think I will provoke most of the traders here very much. But the evidence is presented!
ps:the price direction shown on this chart is approximate;)