The ''Pulse'' of an asset times Fibonacci: Siren Song of 4.236

2 354

never Trust a hasty Kiss of the 4.236.
never Burst in Delight at such a Sight.
never Thirst for More from this Siren.

Ordered Chaos

every Move starts with an ''Impulse'', like a Pebble hitting water.
every Pebble makes its own ''Ripples'', determined by Golden Ratio.
every Ripple has equidistant peaks and troughs, forming the "Pulse".

each Line adds to Gravity.
each Line must be Tested.
each Line has a Personality.

2 line coincidence is Dependable.
3 line coincidence is Respectable.
4 line coincidence is Worshipable.

every Asset Class behaves this way.
every Time Frame shows these ripples.
every Human Brain vibrates the same.

He who Understands will be Humble.
He who Embraces will perceive Order.
He who Ignores will behold only Chaos.


This is a continuation to my original tutorial linked below.
That one has become very long with numerous updates as examples.
PLEASE spend some time on the many examples in first publication:
The ''Pulse'' of an asset times Fibonacci


