Bitcoin / TetherUS

Hedge Fund Configuration At 36400

Market is highly volatile and unpredictable please use proper risk management and position sizing, any thing can go wrong market is not respecting any type of analysis since 25 days
consider adding up to the wining position after the other is stopped out

*Long Position:
Position Size: 5% Of Wallet
Entry: 36400
SL: 31900
TP1: 40000
TP2: 47000
IF 51000 resistance is filliped keep long position open its bull market

*Short Position:
Position size: 5% Of Wallet
Entry: 36400
SL: 38900
TP1: 24200
TP2: 16500
if 14000 is broken keep Short position open its bear market

margin not advised market is highly volatile and SL is far away

