- this position has been such a thorn in my side - but i can't find a reason to dump my bags, instead i've been adding - now sub 30x PE for nearly 30% growth CAGR w the expectations reset? - are we about to find out something horrific here... or is PEP gonna drop a stank bomb on the name during their CC... what gives?? - given how other discretionary is trading, this still *feels* to me like it's not stock-specific. look at ELF as a good example, you'd almost think CELH and ELF are the same stonk. this market is really devoid of short-term logic. so better know what you own and have conviction to stomach the vol. almost feels like we're trading dog coins in this stonk market these dayz. - gl to all. remember it's all fake. just a game. and we're price takers. have an edge, or fafo. - i still like this one. could go lower. idk. but good value here.