Coin / Tether

CRO & ALGO among other ALTs_looking like a dealeo atPresent/Soon

some low end support or recent trade action from low low of .05-.07 to .10 and up to .20

from there its actually fairly smooth sailing with minimal trade action or resistance until we reclaim probably .28 .30-ish cents.

Kind of a no brainer here from .10 and down I dont see how you can loose on the medium to longer play here. The utility is there AND probably most importantly... u can trade or use the platform if you live in the USA and other non friendly crypto countries.

Scoop this one all day.

ALGO is also looking solid for the, not super "in the know" ALT hunter. Governments will push HARD to control KYC. Specifically the entry and exit ramps to crypto thro Know Your User Heavy Stable coins with ALGORAND being on the short list of blockchains that they would use as home base to pull this off. This is a Stanford or Whatever Blue Blood Fed Notorious sponsored for research and recruitment university. THE DEFACTO Cryptographer or whatever happens to be intrenched at this university as a Professor who is spear heading/leading this crypto project that never seems worried about much of anything... just say'n, this is going to something the USA uses to enter the crypto verse, and per usual, try and control... or at the least, heavily monitor its participant's. Food for thought and a good buy and semi forget....

