
DOGE/USD Monthly chart:

Very interesting 3 fractal patterns (the power of 3) on the DOGE/USD Monthly charts!

Fractal Pattern #1 (Date Ranges in Orange):
- DOGE was in a consolidation pattern for 1096 days from Dec 2017 to Dec 2020 before starting the massive bull run.
- DOGE has been consolidating since April 2021 and if we were to extend 1096 days out from this date then this puts exactly at April 2024 which aligns with the Bitcoin Halving. If this fractal plays out, then DOGE could potentially start another massive bull run around the halving event!

Fractal Pattern #2 (Date Ranges in Purple):
- The yellow line is the 21 WMA and the green line is the 21 SMA.
- If we measure from the start of DOGE's consolidation in Dec 2017 up to when the 21 WMA (yellow line) crossed below the 21 SMA (green line) in Feb 2019 we can see that this was ~427 days.
- Now interestingly enough, if we measure from the start of DOGE's consolidation in April 2021 up to when the 21 WMA crossed below the 21 SMA in Jul 2022 we can see that this was ~456 days. These two date ranges are pretty darn similar and definitely characteristic of a fractal if I ever saw one!

Fractal Pattern #3 (Date Ranges in Sky Blue)
- If we measure from the time that the 21 WMA (yellow) crossed below the 21 SMA (green line) in Feb 2019 to the time that the 21 WMA crossed above the 21 SMA in Nov 2020 we can see that this was ~639 days.
- Now here's the crazy part. If we were to measure the number of days from when the 21 WMA crossed below the 21 SMA in Jul 2022 out to April 2024 which again aligns with the Bitcoin Halving then we'll see that this is ~640 days. This would be one powerful fractal if it were to play out! DOGE you dog you 🙂

Happy trading!

