going DOWN

As I already mentioned in my previous analysis - ALL coins and tokens are 5-8 times above their real value! Why nobody is talking about it? In the regulated market all investors are trying to find the real value of the assets. Common people, are you blind, or you trust so much some unknown folks in China, so you do not need to see a product or whatsoever? MOST of them even do not have wallets!!!!!!!!! Look at the pumps of VEN, WTC, and TRON before them. All engineered pumps with promises for bright future, that might never come. The attacs of the banksters are just collateral. Some more bad news and small investors that should come now, will never come even in the future. Well, some people predict 100 000 dollars a BTC? Really? The only cure for the crypto now is to go back to the real value, and then, with the products showing, to rise up, based on real outcomes. The PRO guys arround are just trying to make you put more and more money in an overvalued market. After every major pump and dump there are people loosing money. Keep that in mind. These news are going to spread soon or later. We DO NOT want that a bubble burst, are we? NEO should go back to 30, ETH to 300, and so on, and so on...Otherwise in one year, or two, you will not recognize this market and all lawsuits to be started against ponzi chemes. The governments will react with PLEASURE! Believe me! I once worked for one.
Trend Analysis
