
EJ MARKUP : Zone Work

-- Although its about to hit tp
I wanted to point out this notion:

--> Consistently gaining a set amount of pips versus the vigorous psychological stampede of trying to hit Jackpot every trade was a humbling lesson from my experience!

--> 10 - 30 pips can go an absolutely long way when you know how to use it.

Don't get me wrong, I want that beautiful swing trade that is going to bat my balance to an overall home run of notable increase.
Yet, I also want a good batting average where I can build the mental strength combined with the skills necessary that will take my runners through all four bases and prepare me for that home run!

The pitcher [ Market ] and the umpire [ the banks ] will just be playing a game of catch once they get you to strike out.

From one beginner to another [ if you are ]
- stay humble
- know your strategy
- know your play
- build the skill and psychological strength to bag more winners and losers with good sportsmanship
- get your runners to home plate and get some points on the board
- That home run move is coming -- it's waiting on you!

How you play is solely up to you but knowing how you playing is crucial!
--> know your strengths
--> know your weakness
--> use them to your advantage

Best wishes to all

P.S. If you have any tips, notes, or something funny to add .. Please do! I look forward to it.

- Happy Trading &%
