Do you know that if you set your daily fx target at 10% of your initial trading capital and your initial deposit is 100 EUR, which means your start-up profits will be around 10 EUR per day, you may reach the following results, respectively in 1, 2 and 3 months respectively *
I. Non-conservative: If you capitalise your 10% of daily gains in your trading capital for every next day, your Final Result (per month) = Initial Capital * (1 + 0.1)^20, or: 1. For 1 month - 672 EUR, which is equal to an annual income rate of 572 % 2. For 2 months - 4,525 EUR, which is equal to an annual income rate of 4,425 % 2. For 3 months - 30,488 EUR, which is equal to an annual income rate of 30,388 %
II. Conservative: If you don't capitalise your 10% of daily gains in your trading capital for every next day, or you always put 100 EUR for all your trades, your Final Result (per month) = Initial Capital * (1 + 0.1*20), or: 1. For 1 month - 300 EUR, which is equal to an annual income rate of 200 % 2. For 2 months - 500 EUR, which is equal to an annual income rate of 400 % 3. For 3 months - 700 EUR, which is equal to an annual income rate of 600 %
Not bad? Trade smart ;-)
* NB! If you manage to reach your 10% daily target every single working day