Perhaps GUSH (the bull x2 of S&P Oil & Gas Exp. & Prod. ) will continue increasing through Q1 2026. PHO (fresh water) & WEAT ( wheat ) are at the base measuring in % gains to compare to the gains of GUSH. The DCOILBRENTEU ( Crude Oil Prices: Brent - Europe DCOILBRENTEU ) in yellow on the same chart panel as GUSH is also added with the DCOILBRENTEU price on the top left in yellow.
JPM analysts warned in July 2022 of a worst-case scenario of oil hitting a "stratospheric" $380 a barrel. (bloomberg)
Reminder: US to Exempt Russia Oil Loaded Before Dec. 5 From Price Cap Plan. Cargoes must be unloaded by Jan. 19 to qualify for exemption. (bloomberg)
The price of oil may rise after Jan. 19, 2023 after the exemption has expired.
-0.8% (ETH - Extended Trading Hours)
-2.43% (ETH - Extended Trading Hours)
-3.82% (ETH - Extended Trading Hours)
+7.61% (ETH - Extended Trading Hours)
Nov 25 to Dec 1: -7.22% (ETH - Extended Trading Hours)