

bagofXMR アップデート済   
ICONOMI is a platform that is owned by the ICN token holder's that will receive dividends in ETH as per platform profits.
Basically the platform will profit from two streams:
-"Venture fund" - With the funds collected in the ico the fund will invest in the best crypto-oportunities and take profit of their size to easilly make profits that will share with the ICN holders.
-"Broker" - In the ICN platform thanks to OFM (Open Fund Manager) users will be able to open an "investment fund" so people can invest his money with the best brokers. This brokers will charge a fee (whatever they want/people is willing to pay) and the iconomi platform will get a fixed cut too.

This is something new and with big potential.
ICO price was around 0.12$ and it is currently trading at $0.34. This is still a good entry point from trading perspective (you can see in chart the break out) and from long-term perspective, as this could easily make x2-5 more once the OFM api is out and the platform starts profiting from its revenue streams.

Currently ICN already is "invested" in two projects: Golem and Byteball.

Get in now when is still cheap and sell at the top of the hype or hodl and receive dividends.

In the recommended ideas you have a chart from an other trader invested into ICN that will keep the chart updated with fundamentals (news, changes and so on).
I'll try to keep this chart up to date too.
Oh, btw, my entry point is 0.0033 in btc 3 days ago.
As I dont wan't (can't) to use kraken i had to buy it OTC with escrow and the fees boosted my entry point to 0.0033.
We had a massive dump today, scary at the very least
The lack of communications from the core team in last weeks, the rumour about US costumers not being able to use the platform nor invest in the index, and the last few days price pump in advance of possible good news in the last conference where ICN team was giving a speech, have probably caused this sharp drop.
Probably just a couple whales getting out in a low liquidity asset.
I will monitor the price and official channels these days to be ready to dump my bag in case these are insiders sells in advance of something bad happening soon (delay of platform, currently scheudeled for 2017 Q1)
And back over 0.0004
Some people made huge money today. Some people loss big today.
Just another day in crypto-land

BTW, im a seller above 0.60c and will sell little by little, trying to maximize my avg sell point
I'm rebuying at that area (0.00038-0.00042)
Potential good buying point for ICNXBT and nice hedge against potential bitcoin correction.

After reaching +0.6c buying point proposed (x2 initial entry point), I've now rebought 50% at 0.00369btc or 0.45usd.

I'm looking now for an other potential x2 increasement against usd for summer, when the platform should be ready for public release.

Rebought the remaining 50% around 0.00031.
And check this:
h&s is not traded until right shoulder is formed and neckline broken. But still i find it worth mentioning.
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