So I've decided to break my rules on this particular trade - but it's for a pretty unique reason. Today, my second JNPR lot is currently profitable and my rules say sell today at the close. However, I read yesterday the announcement about the date of JNPR's upcoming earnings report in early February and along with it was an unusual announcement. The JNPR CEO will not be doing a conference call, due to the pending merger with HPE.
Now even though the DOJ hasn't officially signed off on that deal, cancelling the conference call specifically because of the merger tells me the deal is effectively done. Since the deal is a 40/share all cash deal, market fluctuations become irrelevant. Another 1.50 above 38.50 is almost 4% and that seems like free money to me if I wait this out. I don't break my rules often, and we will see if I pay a price for this little "gamble", but I feel good about the risk/reward here.
So for anyone who follows this idea, that's why I won't be selling these last 2 lots when they become profitable. I feel like a Bitcoin bro - HODL to $40. Hmmm..I'll have to work on my bro speak - that last sentence needs more exclamation points, I think.