US Nas 100


Hello fellow traders!
Nasdaq has been having a really enjoyable rally lately because of fundamental events that are currently happening in the macroeconomy. The news of possible vaccines and the widespread dispersal of it. Speculation has reached all time highs with investors and spectators sending warnings of a possible dip within markets. The world however has been recovering during the festive season meaning there are currently two things as a result of it.
(1) Places such as California in the United States Of America are heading into yet another lockdown meaning that retail is going to take a hit.

(2) People are heading into a spending frenzy because of the festive season and because of lockdowns, non-essential stores will be temporarily closed down meaning that we will have an increase in online spending so Amazon will be enjoying this time. Apple too has recently launched the most amount of products they have ever launched within such a small window meaning that it too will see a major increase.

It is important that we handle these all time highs with caution. In the perspective of a growth investor it means that the markets are overvalued at the moment but the growth is undervalued meaning that they are waiting for a minor dip and will invest and hold. A very bullish buyer will probably wait too for the markets to take a dip and invest more as 2021 is seen as a year of great growth and recovery. Interest rates at the moment are staying low in many markets as federal governments are trying to get money circulating in the economy again.
The green boxes are areas which I had entered in the past whilst the yellow box is my possible entry for a 200 point drop sell limit

I am still a student so please take my analysis with a grain of salt.
Comment down below if you would like to give me any advice or genuinely anything to motivate me.
Feel free to send me a message to discuss any ideas.
トレード終了: 利益確定目標に到達
Hello fellow traders!
Our plan went accordingly with 300 points achieved. Hope you guys took this signal and profited well. See you on Sunday.

