
Nifty Positional view for Dec 10 2021

Positional View for Dec 10 2021 December Future

NIFTY Current Position is Long bought on December 7 at 17055 Action for 10 December continue long and reverse to short if NIFTY closes below 17430.29

Refer to Monthly Option Strategy for Option Strategy:

Refer to Weekly levels for Trade levels as in the related idea.

Methodology to get Swing number for positional :
Take NIFTY close price of last 10 days and identify the Polynomial equation.

Yt = B0 + B1t + B2t^2 + Ut (2nd Degree Polynomial example).

if B1 > 0 and B2 >0 Increasing
if B1 >0 and B2<0 Inverted U Shape
if B1<0 and B2<0 Decreasing
if B1 < 0 and B2 > 0 U shape Data
I pro grammatically find the value of NIFTY that changes B1 and B2 to change the shape.
The degree of polynomial needs to change to 5 or 6 for accuracy , Historical validation ,customized volatility and standard deviation , Fibonacci ratios are things i use on top of this.
Buy Above: 107.51
Open Price: 94.70
Buy Targets: 128.59 149.56 166.50 183.45 207.57 222.22 272.20 327.05
Sell Below: 81.89
Sell Targets are: 60.81 39.84 22.90 5.95

Buy Above: 218.35
Open Price: 200.25
Buy Targets: 248.15 277.78 301.73 325.68 359.78 380.48 451.11 528.64
Sell Below: 182.15
Sell Targets are: 152.35 122.72 98.77 74.82 40.72 20.02
Not very strong trending day 12:57 on wards some momentum may come
12:56 PM : Buy17600CE @53 SL 46
Exit @ around 14:35 - max 14: 48 PM
Exit @ cost as no momentum
nifty50Trend Analysis

