NN Group N.V. (NN.as) bullish scenario:

The technical figure Falling Wedge can be found in the daily chart in the Dutch company NN Group N.V. (NN.as). NN Group N.V. is the parent company of NN Investment Partners and Nationale-Nederlanden. Nationale-Nederlanden is one of the largest insurance and asset management companies in the Netherlands. The Falling Wedge broke through the resistance line on 05/10/2022. If the price holds above this level, you can have a possible bullish price movement with a forecast for the next 13 days towards 44.35 EUR. Your stop-loss order, according to experts, should be placed at 38.73 EUR if you decide to enter this position.

NN Group NV expects to accelerate its deadline to exit coal investments, now set at 2030, due to fears about Europe reverting to burning the fossil fuel, the Dutch insurer's CEO David Knibbe said on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum.

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