Is it time to Plug in?

1. Gap fill's after run up from positive news
2. Oversold Stoch and MACD at major gap turning to the upside.
4. Volume increased
5. Positive Press
6. Up 600% over 12 months.
7. HUGE Customer's signed up
8. Analysts are expecting sales growth of 68% through 2018
9. Big push for clean Energy... the cool stocks besides Bio and Marijuana
10. Positioned to dominate multiple fuel cell transportation markets, which have combined potential revenues of nearly $50 billion in the U.S. alone.

1. Oct threat of de-listing from the Nasdaq
2. Underperformed when compared to that of the S&P 500 and the Electrical Equipment industry. (could be a long term positive)
3. Nearly gone bankrupt
4. Still not profitable — yet. Deficit of more than $820 million and has losses of about $20 million for 2013 (estimated). 5. The high costs relative to traditional batteries could ward off smaller would-be customers. That said, the overall cost savings are impressive and there is a long term ROI.
6. Costs are preventing exponential growth.
7. REduction in shareholder value with warrant offerings


I think we are at the feet of a sleeping giant... but as always when playing with giants there are risk. Bookings are up. Demand is up. Just had a pull back from a major run up. I think we will climb up till March 13th earnings...

I think now is the time to add to my starter position. Long since .56 with 2,700 shares.
