$QQQ Quick Market Crash from TOMORROW (or Fri) Till June 4th
1. Everything fits perfectly into place from a Fibonacci POV.
2. Jamie Dimon (who likes to give passive bearish opinions) said today that he thinks Private Credit debt investments, like BCRED, Pimco Flex Cred, which are basically Privatized bonds, could become an ugly nightmare for grandma's or innocent investors, that are trying to get their money out and can't because of liquidation limits. Liqudation limits have been put on the Private REITS already (BRIET and Starwood Capitol REIT). But Private Credit Funds are made up of the same bullshT as in the movie "The BIG SHORT", those are collaterized debt obligations, that's right.
3. Interest rates, specifically the %-!) Year Treasury rates have SPIKED the last 2 days and mortgage rates will certainly follow suit, making home buying even harder. (again). This will cause an already shaky real estate market, even shakier. "SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE, Shake yo Booty"
4 This Bearish correction trend should start sharply with the initial drop ending at around Tues, June 4th, at approximately between 10am - 1pm.
5, In total, after a B wave up, we could see a bear market into Middle to End of July.
6. a. My bearish trade will start with Credit Call Spreads, Aug 19th expiration, with the short calls at 0.25 Delta, the long calls will be around 0.10-0.05 delta.
b. Then I may take 1/2 of all that premium and start buying deep OTM puts with same expiration, and then just buy and sell those into July, but keeping the Credit Call spread in placed till 21 DTE, approx July 20th, when they should be near worthless.