Shopify Inc.

PIGSKIN AUDIBLE - .007 Piggish Play - Long Shopify to 1150+

The market is going up. Thus, the prior .007 Piggish Play to short what's its name, is not an idea that I would champion with certainty.

Given that the market will likely "pull back" on the open, it will only do so for the purposes of offering an absolute gift of a buying opportunity. Further, the S&P needs to "technically" reach a new low on this last swing down, which will likely look like a long wick on the hourly chart by the end of today.

Take advantage and buy discounted 1030 strikes for July 10th expiration.

This will melt-up, rest assured.

-Replacement Pig


All time high close + 1127 price target from GS = not a bad start.

Not a great day for the internet-content players, since AMZN got a bit of "unfortunate" news today, which held back everything else.

Weird - feel like Tesla received some similarly weird news today at a very inopportune time.

Oh well, play looks about right compared to how I pictured it. Could have used an additional 20 points at the end, but cannot complain overall.
Naht bad, naht bad at all. Still has 100 points of room (minimum), so I'll be cashing out on the button if there is a gap up of any kind.

But wait, there's more - I will also subsequently purchase next week's contracts with a strike of 1040 - 1080 when gap inevitably closes due to profit taking.

Unless bears manage to actually connect on a post-profit taking attack, I will be carrying this plan out.

Another toll-free tidbit: Shop is one of the VERY FEW stocks that makes some of its biggest moves on Fridays. An incredible feature for the contract-seeking folks.

This will follow amazon. Hold.
Got smacked today, tape was horribly weak. Of the open Pig Plays, this one should be looked at last. Still a bull until ER.
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