I don’t care what they do to the paper silver and gold

Looking for a higher low above $13.81, daily uptrend remains until we break that. Technicals look bullish here on short term charts. I expect the fed to deliver more good news on qe infinity and stimulus infinity this will likely get the metals moving up on Thursday.

No real price discovery in the metals market Silver fair value adjusted to M2 monetary supply 17 trillion dollars M2 divided by 3.5 billion ounces (amount of silver in the world according to jmbullion) is $4,857.14 fair value for silver. We have at least 174 ounces of futures silver being traded for every ounce of real silver I think eventually just like oil this bubble will pop and Silver/Gold will go way up. Could happen when dollar really tanks. Gold is not quite as bad fair value would be at 300k just multiplying the silver fair value by 60 (historical gold to silver ratio). The government will continue to print and bailout until the $1200 stimulus check can only buy one loaf of bread I don’t know exactly how long it will take for the dollar to completely become worthless. With economy closed and people haven’t lost confidence yet velocity is extremely low however this will start to change over the next several years. I say good keep holding these metals down so I can buy more I’m gonna have a hard time buying Gold at $300,000 an ounce so we gotta keep it cheap for now.

