SPY: Hope!


SPY broke resistance. Its above the Bold Blue convex parabola. It had failed twice before. It has not taken flight from its current encapsulation . SPY jag looks further above Bold Blue than the previous two attempts to escape. That is a firm indicator that SPY Jag can continue climbing along Bold Orange. Or at least glide over its the implications of Teal 2; Pos x

29. Aug 9:30 SPY jag was in the deep cone of Teal 1 , Teal 2 . The Jag broke out 8 Aug ’19 11:00.

SPY Jag is currently caught in the Light Orange descending channel. It is fighting along the Bold Blue convex parabola. Dashed Orange is moderately 'well hung'. it is the only resistance visible.

So far the system of diagnostic parabolas has been predictive.

The current aspect of the Jag has precipitated Bold Orange parabola. It is a resistance curve. In particular Double Purple, and Bold Blue

Double Purple has predicted the local past two local bottoms. 15 Aug ’19; 23 Aug ’19.

If the SPY Jag can remain above Bold Blue Then it may float over Pos X . ( The day is not over. )

Previous states of the the SPY Jag on the same model minus orange curves are sited in the referred posting.

( Parabolas are everywhere in nature, space, energy, optics. Parabolas demonstrate the consonance of nature and mathematics. It is ambiguous wether one follows the other. Parabolas are more constrained than stringiness. Their useful curvature is near their focus, where they describe a finite, rate of change. They have an infinite character as the can be extended, those extensions are useful to a reasonable length.

Parabolic Approach, is the term I use for a price action diagnostics based on parabolas, not straight lines. I have heard the term ‘parabolic’ used by traders to refer to the price rising rapidly with a negative convexity . That sort of thing is best described by the mathematical term Asymptotic. I make this statement since 'parabola' is being expressed in the context of market action.

Parabolic approach uses Parabolas as its preferred, almost exclusive means to discover the trend of any market, or asset. The approach is best seen as a signal processing strategy, more than a price / market analyses. It is agnostic to the scale or price range of the asset or wether the action is an asset at all. Parabolic approach tends to capture the natural markets action as much as the markets are natural and their behavior attenuates as any propagation in a population system. When markets are artificially shaken ( pump and dump ) the deviations from the natural market movement are clearly seen in contrast to the system of diagnostic parabolas.

Within the Tradingview interface, A line is defined with 2 points. A parabola, ( quadratic curve ) is defined with three points. hanging a curve on the price Jag is about placing those three points. Parabolas is more constrained that a line, having a third necessary point. In a nut shell that is what makes a parabolic trend more predictive. Once placed the curve defines a self consistent level that varies over time as its quadratic roots imply. This topic can become abstract and heady. Ultimately results are more relevant than philosophy.

The price action, ‘The Jagged line’ or ‘ The Jag ‘ in any market presents high and Lowe points. A parabola, defined by there points is Hung from the low to the high points of a market rally or market correction. The third point is fitted to the intervening market actions. The description of the future provided by the curve is very sensitive to the passing to the third point. Such a curve is further constrained by fitting the parabola to as many local highs, in a resistance tracer and to as many local lows in a Suport tracer. The parabola legs are left extend into the future or the past, as the case accepts. Not all portions of the price action admit parabolic fits. Some do. Those are the key events. Why then? I can’t say. It may take much more investigation and still causality may be un retrievable. how the price cadges, in that lapse of time provides the diagnostic information.

This simple hanging criteria, applied to the price action of any market at fine scale across small or large spans of time is the essential means of the “Parabolic Approach” It presents information on possible future market events. It is not a It may yield timing information and it may yield highs and or lows, depending of the instance where it is applied. The question of why it works is another heady and perhaps mathematical physics question. Most importantly It is about phenomena, not opinions. It is cracks open the price action and its possible future variants.

1-Extended parabola leges also called the Quadratic extension of a parabola is fitted to a local market fluctuation. That become the real tracer of the market trends.

2-Often a resistance line can be and does become a support curve or vice versa, often passing through a price discontinuity at its fulcrum.

3- Small deviations of the future price action from well hung curves can become key diagnostic of short range market fluctuations.

4- Extended parabolas may converge. This is a possible sigh of acute market vents that attract the price to it.

5- there is more to hanging parabola than simple Suport and Resistance along 'hung curves'. Price can and does move along Parabolic Horns and ‘Contra Fit curves.

6-The system is the mind child of intuitive science and rational art. Inspiration is a factor. Goddess, gracious: the congruence to the common good and the grace of that assistance is its own guide.

7- remarkably, convex and concave curves complementing one another often converge in market means further in time. Parabolic Approach is a graphic method that delineates probabilities. It is a better technical analyses.

The Parabolic approach relies on the minute precision in any asset price and the calculated accuracy of the discovered curves across planar representations of the market. Tiny changes in the position of a parabola determinants, fitted over days or weeks can have large repercussions on the quadratic extension of the fitted portion of the curves. The best curves provides multiple fits minute intervals. If the fitted parabolas are hung with less than 15 minute intervals price actions, the resulting quadratic extension are predictive of future market conditions.

The system does not discriminate between possible futures. Often several support and resistance trends compete for the ‘attention ' of the market. When the market does move it moves to its preferred curve; leaving others, concurrent but not effective. This statement can also become a complex and heady topic of conversation.

The parabolas derived from long term delineation of markets have demonstrated the near prescient character of the system. Not all the market action admits parabolic fits. Some parts do. Major Rallies and Corrections have to be fit. Some fits have more points along the parabola than others. A parabola with 4, 5,and 6 points along its lengths is a presents 'strong synchrony' and should never be ignored. Others parabolas fitted to smaller events many or may not have relevance. It is remarkable that the price action moving across an extended parabola can and will snag, then move on. That is a spooky thing to witness. The cause is currently unknown, the market is aware of the curves it hears them but do not obey. It, The Market, chooses not to ‘bounce off it at that time.

Once the parabolic behavior of the market has ben extracted from the Jag, the day to day observation of the larger socioeconomic environment to the market is necessary to recognize which curve the market will favor: One curve over another another. As the market action advances. New curves are generated complementing the old. Curves that are not relevant can be dimmed and curves that become predictive are emboldened .

The latest lines on the SPY
My curves point to a further correction to Poss X or further to Poss Y

All the curves present in the graph are well hung on previous large and defining market actions. Let the market correct and make more marry on the next rally which can go through the election on a new all Tim high . Get out now wait for the natural resistance level and jump in with vigor! The actual birth of the new rally will cast the trend delineating curves. Every beginning is uncertain every liftoff an opportunity.
Trend Analysis


