
Megalo's Crystal Ball !!! :-)

There has been lots of public chatter in the Public Chat Room using astrology to predict price movements of Gold & the stock market in general ??? The way all these markets have behaved in the last decade or so years why not ???. Everyday i come across gross technical violations two are three times daily maybe more, the frequency of these felonious and down right criminal activities has increased ten fold in the last five years ??? :-( There seems to be no slow down too total corruption of the system ??? :-(
So to get back on point here ? I made a little mural of possible Golds price targets in the near term future ??? I created a little astrology of my own and depicted it on my Gold chart, and further i enlisted the help from my favorite fortunetelling Swami ! :-) I will update and explain further in my updates of my thinKing !!! :-)
Food for thought ??? On this Day in history: July 20, 1969 Moon landing ???
in history July 20, 1976 Viking 1 landing on Mars???
The Great fortunetelling Swami has three targets sighted in on his crystal ball ???
1st is a possible moon shot $1824.5 - $1833 ???
2nd is a possible Mars landing $1846 - $1886 ???
3rd is the Big Blue Orb .???
The Great Swami see's a catch of a small fortune; Distant travels in the pursuit of the unknown & mysterious Big Blue Orb or Planet.
I ask the Great Swami what is that Big Blue Orb ??? He told me my Fifty bucks only gets me to Mars ! If i want to travel to the Big Blue Orb, it will cost another Fifty bucks ??? Yes the Great Swami is absolutely correct a catch of a small fortune is too be made in the near term future ??? :-) :-) :-)
The Great Swami was absolutely correct with his crystal ball prediction of a price moon shot target of $1824.5 reached. !!! :-)
The Spaceman landed on the Moon to do a little exploring & a fishing venture only for little while, then he rocket's off further up into Space towards the angry (((Red Planet))) :-( :-( :-( they call Mars .??? Just like my astrology chart illustrates it could ever-thing looks 24k from the moon and beyond ???

