Rippling is starting to Ripple

For those who have been Rippled by Ripple, if you get in very soon maybe even as of 2 hours ago and still even now you may stand a chance to Ripple the f^%$ out of Ripple.

Many once like I was rippled at their first climb but I refused to admit it, people in public would point and laugh as I shopped for groceries. I told my friends I was staying strong with ripple and that one day I ripple the rippler aka XRP, they too laughed and said I would not win the battle.

I stand here today proud to say I rippled ripple and you may get the chance as well but the battle may be slow as it was for me. I go on to fight this journey until XRP hits 30cents although that may feel like the beginning also.

If your in already enjoy the fight.

If your not in, then join the fight if you please. If you do make sure you join when you see a big fat long red candle stick aka 'The Red Rocket', because I believe we are going up and if you join then it you will see green. If you join while we are at a peak and are not experienced do not panic if you see red for a few days, weeks or months, that's just blood and in battle there is always blood to shed.

To those about to Ripple we salute you!

P.S this is continuing my previous post

Ripple is going to make some Ripple Effects

ooooo baby did we go on a magic carpet ride today!

