
Verge: The Original Doge Coin Dark

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From a technical perspective, there is not much to say that cannot be explained with the simple visual representation above.
The correlation between the two is almost perfect and we are experiencing a temporary divergence between the two that is within normal levels.

The divergence is similar to others than have been observed, but is proportionately larger as the system has expanded over time.

Fundamentally, these two coins have a similar level of risk as they are both heavily exposed to the growing adoption of social stances on security and anonymity.
Both projects are approximately the same size in regards to funding, labor, and public interest.
Both projects were birthed during a similar period and were similar in size and growth during cycles over time.

When Verge was birthed in 2014, it was originally Doge Coin Dark before it was rebranded to Verge in 2016, which explains why it has experienced similar trading ranges and is highly correlated to Doge Coin.

When Verge suddenly garners interest in the public eye, it will explode as most people who know Doge Coin today, are completely unaware of what used to be Doge Coin Dark; Verge. There will be many events that can be used to look back and explain why Verge has taken off (Wraith protocol, Rootstock, Investment Fund stakes, etc.), but the reality is that this coin was perfectly poised for this degree of price change and it was inevitable.

Gaps do occur and opportunities present themselves early. That's the joy with paying attention to the market and searching for undervalued coins during mass adoption and record breaking inflation.

Here we go!

