IF YOU LOOK TO THE BOTTOM RIGHT OF YOUR SCREEN/ON THAT MESS OF LINE GRAPHS YOU WILL SEE >ETH.D ETHEREUM Dominance Dropping off (people buying/spending ETH to play in ALTs DeFi, even other blockchain adventures starts with ETH, for the most part)
>USDOLLAR & USDX Index has been a great, MACRO mostly, but overall this one has been pretty reliable over the last year or so really Post Covid. IF USDOLLAR GOES DOWN MARKETS GO UP AND VICE VERSA.
This is a great example of how to watch the overall market for TREND CLUES. you see how at certain moments it becomes fairly obvious what the market is up to. In this case, everything else jumps_ ETH BTC TOTAL3 or ALTs and a few others while at the exact same time ETH.D and USDOLLAR DROP 0FF...
There are so many versions of this, so many ways to look at whatever is, "your Market(s)". Take advantage of these liquidity choke points. When i take and apply other tips tricks I see out here I try to take the parts I like, that will work for my time and trading style, adapt the useful stuff and through out the rest... We all see the market the same but differently so try to tune out the noise and come up with your Theory THEN look at what others are saying and adjust from there./ thats my two cents/hope this helps someone, somewhere, somehow... Happy Holidays ALL