🌟 メイントレンド方向を意識し逆行の終わりからトレンド回帰するところを捉え、トレンド初動に乗って、大きく利益を伸ばすトレードを目指しましょう!
"How to simultaneously watch the EMA, BB, and ADX to determine trend and volatility while also being aware of resistance opposite the trend from ENVELOPE overheating"
Opportunity points are where the long, medium, and short term cloud directions begin to align. Timing is taken at the torsion (color change) of the ultra-short-term clouds.
The initial move of the trend is when the price moves out of the ±0.6σ (gray zone) of both the short-term BB and the intermediate-term BB. The big trend occurs when the long firmer period ends.
To capture the re-emergence of a trend during a medium-term trend market, from a low volatility state when the price breaks below the 20 line. Only when the trend is overheated is the peak out used as a conversion sign.
Used to sense overheating from deviations from the moving average and to take profit or do a do-take. A medium-term ENVELOPE touch or over is often a signal for a turnaround.
🌟 Be aware of the main trend direction and catch the trend reversion from the end of the retrograde trend, and take advantage of the trend's initial movement to trade for large profit growth!