JARVIS is a technical indicator primarily designed for Nifty Bank. But, it also works on other instruments like stocks for example. You may apply it on other instruments if you find it useful.

Once the indicator is plotted, it will have bars with 3 colours
1) Blue - It's watching
2) Green - It's bullish
3) Red - It's bearish

So, it's that easy to interpret.

Following are few examples on BANKNIFTY
September 20, 2019 - Indicator turned green and remained so till end of the day. If you would have followed this, you would have made more than 2000 points.

September 25, 2019 - Indicator turned red and remained so till end of the day. If you would have followed this, you would have made more than 100 points.

September 26, 2019 and September 27, 2019 - Indicator remained blue and you see that the market was just consolidating.

Above are just a few examples of what this is capable of. Apart from Nifty Bank, it also works well on popular stocks like Reliance, TCS, SBIN etc
Recommended time frame for this is 15 mins, but, you may experiment with other time frames as well. It's all about finding the right time frame for that particular instrument, for example it works best on 2H when applied on Nifty.

Should you have any doubts, feel free to DM me.
BANKNIFTYCentered OscillatorsindianmarketindianmarketsindianstocksNIFTYsensexStocksTrend AnalysisVolatility


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