
Early/Delayed Signal Function

Early/Delayed Signal Function (before the bar close or after)

Usually, signals are considered to be valid at the bar close.
Some traders may prefer to have a chance to enter earlier.
It is of great risk, and the Strategy Tester is unable to provide consistent backtest data with regards to this.

But for those who want to integrate such a choice in their strategies, here is the Early Signal Function.
The function takes 2 parameters
- the signal that is considered valid at the bar close, of type bool
- the early time value in seconds, the time before the signal is valid, of type int
it returns a value of type bool - a New Entry Signal

The resulting conditions used for alerts would be:
- newLongCondition = earlySignal_f(myLongSignal, earlyTime)
- newShrtCondition = earlySignal_f(myShrtSignal, earlyTime)

Note: the signals can also be delayed - use a negative value for early time
improved the early alert function,
using the new built-in function for alerts, that works in both strategy() & study() scripts
test long alert
fix: now it is possible to delay the signals, use a negative value in seconds

