If you use volume in your crypto analysis, you may have encountered the situation which an exchange's policy change can affect your judgement falsely. For example, you can see the huge difference of volume on the given chart since binance transferred its fee discount from USDT to TUSD pair. This script sums up volume of all major centralized exchanges (according to coinmarketcap) on the symbol you are visiting and has an option to exclude Binance's volume which can give you a more stable understanding for judgement when needed (and you can see the difference on the chart). The colors also give a good vision about the relative volume in the area which can show the interest of market in trading. The script only aggregates the same symbol on different exchanges and does not get the volume from other pairs. Included CEXs are: binance bitstamp coinbase huobi kraken bitfinex bybit okx kucoin bithumb
Added more Binance pairs (BUSD, TUSD, FDUSD) for better result. Replaced default volume with a Binance USDT pair. Generally, the script will ignore the current symbols default volume and only consider major exchanges' data.