Speed of the script
Max number of liquidity lines drawn was added. The default will now be 50, it used to be 500 and it caused problems with indicator speed. If you'd like to see bigger picture, you can set more liquidity lines intead of 50 but keep in mind, that indicator could be a bit (or a lot) slower.
Timeframe mode simplified
Now there is no user input for pivot highs and lows in timeframe mode. There is coeficient (on the background) for every timeframe and it is multiplied by PVH/PVL settings. So you can use Timeframe mode and change PVH/PVL settings, and it will affect liqudity precision, but no need to specify for every timeframe. Just need to add that it works on s15, s30, m1, m3, m5, m10, m15, m30, h1, h4, d1.
User input for session with tooltip of Killzone
Now you can specify session of liquidity you want to display in settings. Also, tooltip was added with values of ICT killzones, so if you want to alert just in session of ICT killzone, you can.
Settings enhancements
User settings are now better described and more user-friendly.