version=3 This indicator gives an adjusted moving average, based on the volatility of the past x amount of bars, measured against the ema of a certain length. The idea came out of my VA adjusted Bands indicator where the VAMA is actually the center line.
I scripted the moving average as a function so it is easy to inport into other scripts, Feel free to use it in your scripts and experiment with it, of cousre, if you want to publish your script, a little mention in the notes is always appreciated.
At first view I might add some smoothing otions and a couple of different ma options as a base anchor in future releases. If you have any other ideas for further development,... let me know!!
JD. #NotTradingAdvice #DYOR
I build these indicators for myself and provide them open source, to use for free to use and improve upon, as I believe the best way to learn is toghether.
Added some smoothing otions.
Added the option to overlay ATR bands against the VAMA.
Added the option to display a 2nd (longer TimeFrame) ma.