In the context of general equities, opening price that is substantially higher or lower than the previous day's closing price, usually because of some extraordinarily positive or negative news. Opening gap using as a potential target which market usually trades to.
added ability to extend gap box to the end of the day or week
Added new day opening gap
C.E. (Consequent Encroachment) of gaps
fix: do not show labels if there are no gaps
Added option to choose between previous day close and current open GAP and 5pm to 6pm GAP (There is a big difference between these gaps)
changeable amount of nwogs
ability to extend previous nwogs to the end of the current day/week
5pm to 6pm GAP option applicable to nwog too now
changeable color of C.E. line
fixed previous nwog on 1 minute chart because of tradingview historical bar limit
changeable amount of NDOGs
ability to extend previous NDOGs to current day
fixed ndogs extension to current day
added ability to change label size, color and position
added day label for ndog and period label for nwog
added ability to change color of previous ndogs and nwogs
added ability to change C.E. line style
added price labels of high C.E. and low for each ndog and nwog