
Log Distance From MA + Ribbon

akikostas アップデート済   
Taken inspiration from @dkncrypto from his "Percentage Distance from MA" indicator.

I did a couple of very simple modifications.
I added exotic calculations so that it works properly in charts that reach the zero value (like the yield curve).
I also added a ribbon. It is now clearer when price is under resistance when compared to the deviation of it's trend.

The standard price ribbon describes support/resistance levels based on absolute vertical price distance.
The ribbon on the indicator I built describes support/resistance levels based around the trend of the price.

One could couple it with the KST-Based MACD indicator I built.

In my future analyses, I will consider skipping the standard price ribbon and consult the Distance-From-MA ribbon.

Tread lightly, for this is hallowed ground.
-Father Grigori
Added copyright.

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